A very exciting challenge begins today with our first four-week challenge being launched with Myzone.
Four-week challenges can be extremely effective for achieving results for three reasons; they provide end dates, give structure, and encourage us to track.
Knowing that the challenge runs from the 11th of November until 9th of December will give you a deadline. Forever sounds too long and often serves to demotivate us—but seeing a finishing line provides a pressure to stay consistent and put the extra effort in NOW.
The challenge force you to structure yourself over 4 weeks. Structure helps us schedule and be consistent, which aids us in not only developing better habits but also provides us with routine—which we can build into a lifestyle.
Lastly but not least, they encourage us to track. Without tracking it is hard to know if we are moving forward because we don’t give ourselves something to compare our progress to. Tracking allows us to recognise and see progress we may not have noticed. As previously mentioned, Myzone will be utilised in order to track your progress.
Myzone is a wearable heartrate-based system that uses wireless technology to monitor your physical activity.
Instead of focusing on body metrics, this monitor measures your heartrate and shifts focus to the intensity of your physical activity. Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) are awarded throughout your workout and are intermittently increased as seen in the image below.
The monitor is connected to a downloadable app which not only shows you a minute by minute breakdown of your workout and calories burnt, it allows you to connect with your friends and see their workouts, adding a fun, competitive edge. The number MEPs will be used to determine the winner of the challenge, with over $500 of prizes to be won.
So, if you’re in need of a change, a goal you want to work toward, need a kickstart to your routine or just want to have some healthy competition with friends, sign-up today to join Hammer’s four-week challenge!