You’re trying to get BIG. Hitting the gym and lifting weights 5 days a week trying to pack on muscle and become a beast. Let’s check your progress.

You get out of bed in the morning and run to the scale, step on it, and…

What? How is that possible? You’ve actually LOST weight…

You look up at the mirror and “flex” your arms. They’re still sticks. You look at the rest of your body. Still skinny as always.

But you’ve been going to the gym for months now! Why haven’t you gained any muscle?! Is this some sort of cruel trick? Have you been cursed to never be able to grow any muscle? Is there even any reason to go to the gym anymore?

HOLD UP! For just a second, okay? Hear me out…

Don’t worry, you haven’t been cursed to forever have the arms of a young sapling…

You may just be what is known as… a hardgainer.

Hardgainers find it notoriously hard to gain weight (whether it is fat or muscle). Hardgainers may be considered the ectomorph body type (usually tall and naturally slim). Hardgainers have a very fast metabolism and may gain strength a bit slower than those with athletic body types.

If these traits describe you, here are some simple tips to help you pack on size:

Eat more! Due to your ultra-fast metabolism, you’re going to need to eat more than the usual person if you’re trying to build up muscle mass.

No, this isn’t an excuse to wolf down McDonald’s every day (get that Big Mac out of your mouth!). Try to eat something a bit more nutritious. Add at least an extra 500 calories to your daily maintenance intake, while also tracking your macronutrients. And aim for 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. It may be easier to split this into four to five small meals per day; if you find yourself getting too full, it may also be easier to drink your calories in the form of shakes. Liquids are much less satiating. (Psst, maybe you can fit in a doughnut or two… just don’t tell anyone you got this advice from me!)

People are always happy to hear that they should do less cardio. Hey, you’re trying to gain weight… cardio will only expand precious calories. Don’t eliminate cardio entirely, but just don’t go overboard (remember you’re trying to gain weight!)

Make sure you’re getting enough rest. I know you’re eager to go to the gym as much as possible, but your muscles can only recover when you’re RESTING. During your workouts, focus less on the number of reps, and more on quality. A beginner lifter should do 10 weekly sets per muscle to see growth, and intermediate lifters should do 10-15 weekly sets. More isn’t always better.

They say, “compound exercises give you compound results”. This is completely true in the case of hardgainers! Forget about those tricep extension machines and focus on the staple movements such as bench press, overhead press, rows, deadlifts, and squats. These let you hit heavier weights to stimulate more muscle fibres compared to individual isolation exercises.

As those numbers go up on your compound lifts, you’ll find muscle starting to fill out your frame.

Here at Hammer’s Gym, we’ve got world-class personal trainers that can help you learn and perfect your technique on compound movements so that you can begin moving some SERIOUS weight! Our trainers will be able to help you gain muscle with a personalised plan, no matter what your body type. We have happy clients in Nunawading, Box Hill, Mitcham, and Burwood.

Come and book a complimentary session today!

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” Had enough with the quotes? Fine, I’ll stop…

Actually gotta squeeze just one more in: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

Okay you have my word, no more quotes! Anyway, patience is the most important quality to have as a hardgainer. You WILL reach your goals.

Muscle takes time to build for everyone, but it may take a bit longer for you. Your muscle-building journey will be not only a physiological process but also a mental one. Keep training and you will see the results of your hard work!

Hey, being a hardgainer has its benefits too! Look on the bright side: you can eat A LOT and still not get fat! A lot of people would kill to be able to eat whatever they want and not gain weight.

The weightlifting game is a game you play for life. Follow these handy tips, especially eating at a caloric surplus and lifting heavy weights, and you are GUARANTEED to pack on muscle!



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  • ✔ Full access to our 24 hour gym
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  • ✔ Access to Cold Plunge
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