If you don’t know much about the benefits of Sauna, then this is the article for you! Your about to get the 411 of the many health benefits of sauna so sit tight and let me break it down for you and learn how sitting down (if it’s in a sauna) is healthy! And did I mention here at Hammer’s Gym Nunawading we already have an Infrared Sauna so we’ve got you covered in the sauna department which many even find preferable over a traditional sauna.
One of the best benefits of Sauna is improved circulation (as well as being a lazy man’s workout), improved circulation has many clinically proven benefits. Some of which include improved recovery, Improved wound healing, improved relaxation / mobility and reduced inflammation. So, whether you have had a big session of Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or just a big session in the gym and want to recover and unwind you would have a lot to gain from using the sauna. And that’s not all even if you are coming back from an injury these sauna benefits may be therapeutic and pay dividends in your recovery as well as improving your health, wellbeing and athletic performance!
Had a big night recently? Well Sauna could be a quick fix for you! During Sauna your body exposed to high temperatures causing your body to sweat and that’s not all! When you sweat you sweat out toxins that can be in your system making you feel horrible, sluggish and less than your best. This can also lead to clearer skin, a clearer head and an improvement in your mood! You will also receive a boost of endorphins too, so a sauna session after a busy time or big night might be the remedy for you!
A long-term study that followed the same individuals for 20 years found that people who use the sauna for a minimum of 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes per session lowered their risk of all-cause mortality by %40 – All cause mortality includes risk of Strokes, Heart attacks and heart failure. This could be because of Hormesis! The current theory of Hormesis in this setting is that exposing your body to extreme temperatures activates heat shock proteins. To simplify your body is acting within a stress response due to the climate which could be giving you these hormetic benefits. Here is the link to that study if you would like to investigate further!
As mentioned before the sauna can be a lazy man’s workout (or women’s!). So, if you’re not up to martial arts or strength training, don’t worry! The temperature of the sauna will get your heart rate up and will act as a cardiovascular workout! So, if your injured, old or just lazy you can sit down in the sauna and burn calories in a much easier way than HIIT training! Who knew sitting down could be so healthy right?
As mentioned earlier you’re getting a workout from being in the sauna! It’s super important to stay hydrated, it’s also worth mentioning too that when we sweat, we also lose minerals / micro nutrition. So, it’s important to also eat nutritiously after a session to restock your bodies nutritional deposits.
You might find yourself now wondering when the best time to use the sauna is, and the answer is the best time is the time you’ll do it! Some people like to sauna in the morning while fasting as to not sweat out any of the nutrients they will eat that day. The Old school Russian Olympic weightlifting teams used to Sauna before their workouts to help them warm up properly and after their sessions to help them recover. Some people like to use the sauna at nighttime to help them relax. There is no right answer there is only what’s right for you!
The sauna for most is a high reward for low risk use with a range of clinically proven science backed benefits we know of, and a great way to recover and relax! It’s important though to recognize experiences may vary for many reasons and to always check with your doctor before implementing any new changes to your training regime and to always exercise your best judgement. Overall, the Sauna could just be the gamechanger you’re looking for. That’s a wrap this is blog stay healthy, Happy sweating yall.
– Sam Bonnici, PT



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$ 16
  • ✔ Full access to our 24 hour gym
  • ✔ Boxing Fitness
  • ✔ Hammer - Fit 45
  • ✔ Yoga
  • ✔ Spin Cycle
  • ✔ Massage Chairs​
  • ✔ Access to Infra Red Sauna
  • ✔ Access to Cold Plunge


All included
$ 49
  • ✔ Full access to our 24 hour gym
  • ✔ Boxing Fitness
  • ✔ Hammer - Fit 45
  • ✔ Yoga​
  • ✔ Spin Cycle​
  • ✔ Massage Chairs​​
  • ✔ Access to infrared sauna
  • ✔ Access to Cold Plunge
  • UNLIMITED Martial Art Classes including:
  • ✔ Muay Thai Kickboxing
  • ✔ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • ✔ MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
  • ✔ Wrestling for MMA
  • ✔ Boxing Technique


